Sunday, 6 January 2019

Post holiday blues …

whether it's an over indulgence of your guilty pleasure(s) or that overwhelming feeling that you never want to see another shopping list ever again!

Sadly we don't have much of a choice since we have to eat. Added to which there'll be pressure now for that gym membership or, worse still, an invitation to join a weight loss plan.

How depressing.

We're so fed up with feeding people and all that goes with, it's time to take a moment, take stock and breathe.

If you'd like some help, try this on for size, pardon the pun, get organised.

If Santa gave you dosh for Christmas, why not invest a small amount on Splitting Atoms and Grating Cheese, or, life's too short to faff around. Please don't panic, it's not about diets, weight loss or the gym. It's ideas and help to get organised, the knock-on effect of which is to save you precious time not to mention save you dosh and reduce your stress levels into the bargain!

Life's too short ...

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