Sunday, 7 October 2018

It's not what you know …

it's who you know.

I have two Nephews – Lucas my IT Guru and Editor I've already mentioned. Nathan among his many talents is a steel fabricator.

On holiday altogether earlier this year I was grumbling to my Sis that I couldn't find rings or cutters if you prefer – large enough for neat flatbreads. I know that rustic is good but sometimes it's good to be precise.

From nowhere came - “I'll make your rings, let me know what size you want”.

Happy Birthday to me. I was cheeky and asked for two different sizes – 12 and 15 cms (4¾” and 6” respectively).

A while later, I received a present in the post - check these out – in food grade stainless steel no less!

a thing of beauty is a joy forever, to quote John Keats.

Thanks Nathan - the world is now my neat flatbread lobster!

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