Saturday, 9 July 2022

Editor's July Pick #7: The photos

Editor's note: In cooking there are photographs, and there are photographs. As the author says, it not only looks delicious - and beautiful! - but fun too, and all with recipes that won't take an age, don't require a degree in Cookology or break the bank. Why not give it a go!

Two tabs down …

...the photos.

First up Peanut Chocolate Brittle

You can see the caramel forming – the golden brown colour beginning to appear and the sugar still melting.

Act fast – the caramel sets quickly.

The brittle in the bowl on the left has been bashed to sprinkle over ice-cream or to fold into home-made. The bowl on the right contains bite size pieces.

Second up Chocolate Fudge

I knew these tongs were going to be useful.

The tongs were perfect for holding the fudge and coating as much of it as you want in the cocoa powder. You can grip the fudge without squashing it and able to swirl the fudge around with control.

How much fun was that?!

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