Sunday, 30 April 2017

You know that ...

I never waste time - or ingredients for that matter - if I can help it.

In this instance it's not wasting time. If you intend to make the tarts or a large version, in anticipation of visitors or just because you want to save yourself a job - make your pastry case(s) ahead – i.e. make the pastry, rest it, then roll it out as required and freeze.

To illustrate, here are a couple of photos – what they show is that it's worthwhile investing in a good quality bun tin and that after chilling the cases they will lift out of the tin and stand well on their own so you could bag or box them and freeze.

What you see are uncooked cases – straight from the fridge, eased gently from the tin – ready for freezing and to use whenever the mood takes!

One final note to self – can I suggest if you're freezing a large pastry case then keep it in its tin to prevent it getting bumped and bashed when you are rummaging through your freezer looking for something vital that has vanished without trace!

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