Sunday, 2 April 2017

Easter Emergencies – perfect products

Call me old fashioned but I always like to have the wherewithal to produce a little something from my pantry and/or the freezer when visitors turn up unexpectedly. I know that this can happen any time but it's more likely when we've an Easter weekend and we all have more time.

My first contender in the “perfect product” list is the puff pastry sheet. A good life span from supermarket chiller to your fridge and even longer if you freeze.

With this in mind, here are :

Mini Belgian Buns

1 sheet of frozen puff pastry, thawed in fridge (375g)
15g butter, melted
50g dark chocolate drops (or finely chopped)
25g ground almonds
50g sultanas
1 egg, lightly beaten with 1 tbsp milk

Fondant Glaze

75g icing sugar
1-2 tsps boiling water

50g flaked almonds and 6 glacé cherries cut in half
to decorate

Preheat your oven 180c fan/200c/Gas 6. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper or similar. Unroll the pastry sheet and lay with the short sides either side - you are going to roll to form a log.

Brush the surface of the pastry and melted butter then scatter the chocolate and ground almonds leaving a border at the top end of the pastry to enable you to “glue” the log when rolled. Then scatter the sultanas over the chocolate and almonds. Carefully roll up from one of the shortest sides as tightly as you can forming a log.

Using a sharp knife, cut the log into 12 even slices. Place on the baking tray and brush with the remaining butter, then the beaten egg mixture. Bake for 15-20 minutes until puffed and golden.

Here's the photo story so far folks!

Hey a girl needs to be prepared – I like to know that I can produce food quickly – if, on the other hand, the unexpected visitors don't materialise there's no harm done and your store cupboard/pantry is brimming with stuff which won't spoil!

Read on for the final flourish ...

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