Sunday, 15 April 2018

Reprise of the rummage!

Here we go again, two three four.

We all get to a point where there is nothing left in the tank and totally devoid of any inspiration I suppose it'll have to be egg and chips – that great Northern stop-gap – joking aside, with fresh crusty bread liberally spread with good butter, there's nothing better.

Moving on, such was my predicament this week. Usually my routine is to take a minute – no more – to decide what's for supper and if appropriate take it out of the freezer. Not today, not a clue.

When all else fails to clear my head I either go for a run or go to Pilates. It's Pilates today and walking from the car park – still nothing.

Then I remembered I'd got a shortcrust pastry sheet in the fridge. It's a start. An odd onion here and the remnants of cheese I've always got in my fridge - the usual suspects are Gruyere, Mature Cheddar and Red Leicester and I think we're getting there. I can't say I've favoured shortcrust pastry for pies, I automatically use puff. You know what they say “a change is as good as a rest”.

Hmm I know this is probably sounding predictable and you'd be right. Experience has taught me that when it's a horrible grey and cool day there's nothing like a pie, especially when it's cheating using a ready-made sheet and easy - whether it's with shortcrust or puff.

Here's my thrown together recipe :

Rummage Pie – Serves 4

300g grated hard cheese, mixed – whatever
is in your fridge – 125g Mature Cheddar, 125g Red
Leicester and 50g Gruyere
1 medium onion, finely diced and softened
with a knob of unsalted butter until opaque
1 tsp Dijon mustard
4 medium jacked potatoes, baked, peeled and
cut into small cubes
black pepper
1 shortcrust pastry sheet – 320g
1 egg, beaten

To assemble :

Make sure you take your pastry out of the fridge to allow it to “warm up” - you'll find the pastry is easier to use and won't crack. Line your pie dish with half the sheet – you may need to roll it a little to fit – for guidance my pie dish measured 27x9x5 cms approximately.

Tip the cubed potatoes into a large mixing bowl, season with black pepper. Add the mustard to the softened onion and then mix with the potatoes. Add the grated cheese and your filling is ready for the pie dish. Add your pastry lid, egg wash and fridge until you're ready to bake. Don't discard the beaten egg. Pre-heat your oven 180fan/200c/Gas6, egg wash the pie again and bake for 30 minutes until golden brown.
I apologise unreservedly to the shortcrust pastry sheet – it made an excellent change and I'll definitely use it again.

Note to self – add to list of freezer emergency kit!

Photo guide up next.

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