… when
I visited my Nana and stayed for tea it was always “salad” or the
60s version of it but what I always remember is a bowl of sliced raw
onion and cucumber steeped in malt vinegar.
doesn't sound appetising I grant you, just the thought of the raw
onion together with the pungency of the vinegar is enough to blow
your socks off.
brings me to my second short cut using your spiced sweetened vinegar.
Slice an onion thinly and submerge it in the spiced vinegar. Leave
it for a few hours or overnight – somewhere cool but not in your
fridge – you'll taint everything – vinegar flavoured chocolate
mousse is not a good “culinary” look!
is what it looks like :
those sandwich connoisseurs out there I have two suggestions –
mature cheddar cheese with the onion or, if you've roast beef left
over, try a sprinkle of salt and then the onion – ta dah – on
either count.
the onion is a hit you might like to try cutting into chunks then
submerge and leave it to absorb all the spiced sweetened vinegar
overnight - or even a day or two and then add it to a casserole for
added zing. It should be covered and kept in a cool, dark place.
may not be a “pickled” onion for the purists but it beats the
**** out of spending a fortune on a less than acceptable alternative.
for me!
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