Sunday, 9 July 2017

News Report – Part 1

Sadly my trusted “hob to oven” frying pan is no more – I've worn it out and it has to be replaced forthwith, immediately, if not sooner!

I went shopping with my Sister to IKEA – hadn't been for ages – what a result. It's one of those stores that should carry a warning – you know what I'm saying, “I have to have it – I can't possibly survive without it” when in truth it will gather dust, buried at the back of a cupboard and then be committed to the happy hunting ground for unwanted kitchenalia in the sky.

It didn't occur to me that I might find my replacement frying pan – meandering hither and thither I found the answer to all my dreams, the Oumbarlig frying pan - product number 502-92-96 measuring 28cms - cost - £14.95. Non stick of course and the added bonus - it is suitable for use on an induction hob too. To say I was delighted is an understatement. I bought my worn out pan for £25 several years ago and I thought it was a good investment then despite the fact that it wasn't suitable for an induction hob. Credit where it's due that pan has been brilliant. If you want to invest then you need to check out your favourite search engine and shop around. You can pay anything from £14.95 to noughts – personally I'm not sure the noughts are justified – nor is a fancy, dancing range just because it has been endorsed by a fancy, dancing chef!

I've no idea whether the IKEA replacement pan will stand the test of time but I'll give it my best shot and so far so good.

By the way I kept the lid from my old pan which fits the new one perfectly. You can buy a splatter screen at a more than reasonable price of £3 if you need a cover.

I've learnt that my first stop in future will be IKEA – I may not find what I'm looking for but one thing is for sure it will be worth the visit.

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