Sunday, 19 March 2017

Easter treats ... speaking of Camembert

After lunch out at The Duke it reminded me of one of my favourite retro “dig in” kind of dishes – served either, like The Duke, as a sharing plate or as part of a larger “creaking table” groaning under the weight of Easter goodies.

Here's my version :

Baked Camembert
Serves 2

250g Camembert
1 clove of garlic sliced finely or equivalent paste
drizzle of olive oil
drizzle of Calvados

2 medium eating apples – sharp flavoured
peel and slice into quarters at the last minute

One Soda Bread loaf

small bowl of sea salt - optional
chopped dried cranberries
chopped mixed nuts

Pre-heat your oven 160fan/180c/Gas 4.

Place the Camembert in its box on a baking tray – using a sharp paring knife make 4 or 5 (1 cm approximately) incisions into the skin of the cheese – gently does it! Poke the slices of garlic or alternatively small blobs of paste into the top of the cheese. Drizzle with a drop of olive oil and ditto Calvados and bake in the oven for 15 minutes – or until gorgeous and oozy in the middle.

Serve the cheese with thick slices of Soda Bread (the recipe is on the blog) to dunk into the cheese and the apples likewise. A sprinkle of salt if it's your thing – help yourself to the cranberries and nuts– you can then dip your dunked bread and cheese and/or apple into them – munch – enjoy.

One final note to self – check the Camembert box – it should be stapled NOT GLUED!

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