Friday, 17 June 2016

Vanilla Black - The Book

I know you'd be disappointed if I didn't invest in a Vanilla Black cookery book and so this is what it looks like – complete with tabs to date!

This book – unusually – contains “Vanilla Black recipes adapted for the home kitchen.” Put another way “...from the people behind Vanilla Black, but the food is not from the restaurant. Well, not entirely, anyway.” “...this is a book for home cooks”.

I can see both sides of this coin – i.e. adapting recipes that may be technically challenging – yep, got it. On the other hand I'd expected and looked forward to giving the breads a shot and the butter too.

I must confess to being a smidge disappointed.

However, Andrew Dargue and Donna Conroy got my attention with “Apologies in advance, no pasta bake or vegetable curry”. Hurray and thank you!

There's nothing wrong with the book at all, in fact there are some points made in the introduction that made me giggle and cheer. For example, “...we have a couple of guys washing up constantly. We are guessing do not your kitchen”. At last – somebody out there with some savvy!

The best comment though, is “you don't have to be vegetarian. Just try this food … if you want to serve it with a piece of grilled chicken, be our guest.”

Check out the number of tabs – looks like I'm going to be busy.

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