Saturday, 9 January 2016

Setting the scene

How snug are your jeans – this is the burning question.

The jeans – or a similar favourite piece of clothing - are the key. There's no need to bother with scales – an inanimate piece of intimidation – that sounds so weird – how can a pair of scales intimidate?

If “BC” (before Christmas) you were happy with your eating habits then it's just a matter of reverting to your previous routine. However, the brain plays tricks – very quickly we get used to all that rubbish i.e. sugar and fat and we like it. It's all the more difficult therefore to get a grip.

Have you done the dirty deed as suggested in Coming next … tweak week! And written down what you've consumed in the last week? When you read it did you think “ouch – did I really consume all that?”. I promise you that no-one can hear you so an expletive or two is permitted under the circumstances.

There ain't no magic to this – try and eat three meals a day – if you can't or you know that you're going to struggle because you've got to drive three hours for a meeting or you've got to take your child to an appointment slap bang in the middle of the day then plan for it. There are products out there that will do the job or, if you prefer and have the time to make a lunch-box either for yourself to pop into the car or for yourself and your child – make it an adventure and you get to share – it ain't rocket science, it just needs a little thought, planning and prep.

If you need any encouragement then remember you're going to be sensible for 4½ days!

A few preliminaries :

Think about your daily routine – are you :

home based
office based, commuting daily
in the car for long periods

and a few questions :

Do you eat breakfast
Do you take a lunch-break at a regular time
Do you get hunger pangs at the same time
every day – commonly referred to as a “snack attack”

That should keep you pondering for a while!

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