Sunday, 24 May 2015

GOM: Chapter 6 Broken fin and the vegetarian

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I mentioned in Chapter 2 that the creek was tidal. One of the greatest treats is when Broken fin passes by. Broken fin is a dolphin and instantly recognisable because of his broken fin – clearly a battle scar but he's been passing through for years now. I know that you can see dolphins in captivity but there's nothing quite like getting up close and personal at their invitation. It takes a certain degree of dedication from the Hide – if you're lucky enough to spot broken fin up stream you can hurry down to the dock and wait for him to surface – if it really is your lucky day he'll surface right in front of you expelling water. Beyond words – can't think of a better way to spend time.

Back to reality (of sorts) class menu decided:

Croque Monsieur
Fish Pie
Chocolate orange mousse

and the grindstone.

First rule of any kitchen – clean it, whether it needs it or not. I could give CSI a run for their money – never be without gloves rubber for industrial cleaning and exam gloves for prepping – not that I'm OCD you understand. Another major cultural difference – an entirely necessary one – is the waste disposal. Usually a small sink so you can prepare fruit, vegetables, meat etc., and rinse away, flick of a switch and gone. Takes some getting used to but hygienic and efficient – one small point, don't ever put your fingers anywhere near the plughole when the motor is running – you'll lose them. In this part of the world you don't put any waste food out with the trash, the wildlife love it. Most bins are anchored down for a very good reason – shredded rubbish strewn for a mile that you've got to collect and re-bag ….. time you'll never get back.

Supper tonight, cook's choice, my style of slob food, cheese potato and onion pie – the vegetarian of the household gets to do her favourite and friend's middle daughter and son-in-law are visiting this coming weekend. Planning ahead, these guys live in Charlotte and so after finishing a week's work they then drive 3 hours plus on a Friday evening hey, it's the least I can do to make sure there's food when they arrive. It's a “Desperate Dan” size pie so that the remains can be frozen ready for the weekend.

It's a hard life but someone has to do it.

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